Wishing you and yours a wonderful Thanksgiving on the 28th as the holiday giving and gifting season kicks off! We are grateful for your generous support through the years. Please watch for coming announcements for giving opportunities and donate!
Important updates - City Resolution Support Senior Housing Cooperatives
The date is finally set! The resolution in support of senior housing cooperatives is on the City Council’s November 21st Non-Consent Agenda, Item 76 and likely won’t come up for a vote before 11 AM. Please follow the links add your voices to ours in reaching out to City Council Members via email and registering to speak in support during the meeting. Our Vice-President, Chad Wallace, is planning to join me downtown for the afternoon. And Planning Commissioners Alice Woods and Felicity Maxwell will be in attendance. We’d love to have you join us if you feel so moved. Otherwise, speaker registration for the November 21, 2024 Austin City Council Meeting will open Monday, November 18 at 10:00 AM. Feel free to adopt and adapt our draft email message.
On November 14th, Carol participated in the City / Austin Housing Finance Corporation-sponsored Round Table Discussion: Strategic Expansion of Land Banking and CLTs to help guide new government policy for organizations working to provide affordable home-ownership opportunities. This group is slated to meet on a regular basis in the coming months.
Our participation in the Community Land Trust (CLT) Accelerator ends this month with another roundtable discussion on November 19th. Please look for news on important take-aways in December!
Our nine-member collaboration team (please see our last newsletter) responded to St. David’s recent invitation to apply for funding through their Housing + Health call on October 25th. Please watch for news of the results in December!
Thank Yous
Thank you, Council Member Zo Qadri, for speaking up on our behalf at the recent Housing and Planning Committee meeting in October where the Committee voted to advance the resolution in support of shared housing for seniors to the full Council for adoption.
Thank you to the entire Housing and Planning Committee for advancing the resolution for a full vote.
Thank you to City staff for inviting us to participate in the Round Table Discussion: Strategic Expansion of Land Banking and CLTs. We are very proud to be included.